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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

You know you're our kind of bride when your tremendous engagement ring looks just right on the crested wreath Cadillac hood ornament on the 1971 Eldorado convertible! Breathtaking shot and special!

Super cool if I could just get the right weather to get the Eldorado to Chris to get the top to go back up! :) It's always something at the Chapel at Caliber Oak!

Supper tonight with one of our wonderful chapel bride and groom pair. Excited that the main course for tonight's supper is a potatoe dish! Wooohooo! Speaks to the Irish in the Cap!

We've got the graphic out and circulating for the March 16th LCR event for Slice of Heaven! Hopefully, we'll get a bunch of takers and make some $,$$$ for the group.

We've really got to focus on the light bulbs in the chandelier in the Chapel entry hall. We're down to 50% functional at this point. Pretty embarrassing. That's what happens when the electrical connections are surrounded by real candlewax! Yikes, it's an effort to keep the lights on....

We are still loving the new comforter on the groom's room bed! Cannot believe how perfectly the color and theme work in that room, and it was sure not something we were expecting to find in that style.

Mrs. Boss is headed to the store, and I need to get some other stuff done! Blessings to brides, grooms, and all of our wonderful fans! Blessings for a tremendous day! Stay dry!



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