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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

You know it's not going to be a great picture, but you take it anyway....that's pretty much it!

At least you can see everyone in this foray into bad photography! We had a large and delicious Fat Tuesday, and enjoyed "Chocolat" all over again! The volume and variety of the evil foods provided were absolutely amazing, and thankfully, folks took stuff home, since it's Lent at this chapel and 99% of that stuff is calorie crazy! Sheri's funeral potatoes were the best ever, and everything everyone created or provided was top notch. Needless to say, multiple bottles of champagne, wine and some scotch were consumed, and your humble host can feel the effects of such a lovely evening this morning! Yikes! :) But, one must move on....

I've GOT to get busy getting things set up for games night for Sunday. That's on the to-do list for today for sure. We really don't have to do all that much - set up the tables, sort out the chairs, new linens on the buffet, but it's kind of chaotic in the great room right now and needs attention. It'll all work out. We've got bridal visits on Sunday, so I certainly can't wait until then!

Clemente is down at the chapel now, trying to get the weeds out of the bridal terrace area, and I know that glasses also need to be done. Many thanks to Jolene for doing so much to clean up last night! I don't even think we left any food out, except for the chocolate bar that was still at my place setting this morning! Whoops!

Well, we're off to a reverent and reflective Lenten season. Best wishes to all of you, and looking forward to weddings that are just around the corner!


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