We're celebrating our new "Instagram Princess" at the chapel! Emma Grace takes over the insta-fun!

Well, our instagram presence was just kind of languishing along, and that industrious, intelligent Emma Grace has stepped up to the plate. She reached out to us last week and said that she'd like to be the keeper of the Instagram account, and we're all set. We reset the password this morning and she's already got a vision for direction, tone and perspective! It's going to be amazing, and she's just the girl to do it! What a blessing all the way around! I'm thinking that the instagram account is Caliberoakweddings. Check it out and watch it evolve!
Otherwise, it's pretty much just bible study here today, but we're excited about starting The Chosen, and hope all goes well from a techno-perspective! We'll say a prayer! We're expecting about 6 folks this evening and there's always room for more. We never go hungry, either! The study guide was really interesting, and we already know how much we love the series, so let the film roll!
The sleet, snow, rain and harsh weather seems to have left us for a while, so we're looking down the barrel of 55 degrees for today. Still supposed to freeze at night, but that's not a biggie, since it's getting warmer after tomorrow night.
Suppose I need to get down to the chapel fairly soon to sort out the AV equipment and get some heat going on down there. Have a wonderful Sunday, and a tremendous start to your week. Come visit when you get time! Blessings to you!