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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

We may have already posted this photo during the last year, but if we did, it bears repeating. I'd have to ask Mrs. Boss where this came from, but it's one of my favorite things at the chapel.

It's too bad you can see my reflection in the glass, but it is what it is! This piece is so cool because the shape of the frame and the mirrored insets and the shiny cross are so vintage looking. This decorative item really speaks to our inner antique lover. It's not old, but it's mighty cool, and reflective of our very special chapel.

Looks like Todd and Kacey are going to have their wedding here! They're both a delight, and it should be a very special event. Springtime is such a great time to get married! We love meeting new couples and helping them reach the pinnacle of their finest day! Fun stuff!

I'm noticing that the rosebushes are really leafing out nicely. Everything will get so green in the next 30 days that it'll be hard to believe. Super excited about Miss Denise getting a whole bunch of plants this weekend to spruce up the look! Zinnia seeds will also get planted pretty soon, so there's promise and beauty in store in that department as well!

Hope you're having a great week, and enjoying this excellent weather! Blessings to one and all for goodness! See you later!



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