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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Unedited, but real. This our dream team. Every face in this photo tells a story, and we have been part of every single story. Fun, frivolity, tears, excitement, anticipation, challenges, and love!

Ok, well, I'm trying to process every face in this photo. IT's totally fun! Mrs. Pehl looks like she has forgotten that she left the iron on at home! Sammy looks like a "Straight Outta Compton" thug! (nothing new!) Tommie looks a bit like he got into the meth a little early........ :) Is DJ singing a gospel hymn? Keith looks like a man you'd not want to face in a gunfight.... He's won them before. Richard Masters is having a great time and even Vance is in the shot! Well done, Chloe! Amy looks like she's having fun.... Greg always looks like a handsome underwear model from the JCPenney catalog, and didn't dissapoint. Esp with the .45 derringer on his hip! Fireman John is picking his nose, but we wouldn't expect otherwise. Such a fun group. Such a reflection of what we've attempted to do and have succeeded in doing it! Praise the Lord!

Otherwise, Elena has already cleaned up the debris from Saturday night and we're just keeping the chapel above freezing this week, since nothing is planned. Slice of Heaven is sending us a graphic on their games night coming up, and we're just keeping an eye on the weather. We've never frozen anything important at the chapel (except for shrimp in the freezer!) so it's pretty well protected.

Stay warm my pro-marital friends and family. We shall emerge from the snowbank looking fresher than ever! Blessings to one and all!


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