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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Thought this shot from the magazine photo shoot had a fresh, springtimey feel to it! Love the look!

Is that table cloth not cray excellent? Neat look, and fun photo shoot day. Hope all of our chapel fans are doing wonderfully, and just a reminder, if you're on Instagram, check out Emma's efforts on caliberoakweddings. She's lightening the look, and focusing the lens. Talented young thing!

Anxious to landscape and pretty soon will get our topsoil for the front of the chapel. I still want to go with the pineapple guava plants that Chad recommended, so hopefully, we can find some around March 15. March 15 is usually our official 'planting day' around here, since we don't usually get a frost after that. It's happened, but not very often. We're just thankful that we haven't seen Freezemageddon II yet this year, and hope it stays away completely! With temps expected to top out at 65 today and 67 tomororow....we're happy campers. Hard to believe how cold it was already last week at this time.

Need to do a little touch-up painting of some of the shabby chic outdoor furniture pieces at around the chapel. There's definitely a line between shabby chic and nasty, and we try to stay on the right side of it! :) One of the old IKEA benches does have a rotted top board on it that needs to be replaced, but we'll get to everything in time, I guess! Excited and anxious for things to green up!

Emma Grace needs photos of us at weddings, so I'm going to go work on that. Have a wonderful tuesday, and say a prayer of thanksgiving! Blessings on ya!


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