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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

This photograph has to be one of our absolute favorites over the last few years. Great perspective, color and such a signature look for us that tells someone at a glance who we are! Special photo!

The car looks great, the chapel looks great and the bride is beautiful. Even though this is our least 'pretty' time of the year since we've had a freeze a time or two, this shot looks fresh and pretty. Chloe did a great job with it, and it certainly communicates warm and inviting.

Gearing up for bible study tomorrow. Really love the Max Lucado study books we're using, and the group is always special.

Still working on figuring out what to put on our new tree stump pedestal, and getting zinnia seeds so that the front of the chapel is all smiles and happy flowers! As I mentioned the other day, we love it when the green springtime happens! It'll be here before you know it.

Otherwise, not much is shaking around the pretty white church... Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying a tremendous Saturday and weekend! Blessings to one and all for a great day!



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