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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Sometimes, what starts as a plan for a wedding ends up being a very tight and close relationship. We worked so well together to make Celestine's wedding amazing, and they just never went home after!

We absolutely adore these two. Stacy and I are pretty out there, but Bryan and Denise keep us grounded. This restaurant in Utopia was amazing. Pretty much the incredible service the chapel is famous for, with tremendous food to boot! If this wasn't so far away, it would be perfection for a rehearsal dinner before a chapel wedding. We're so thankful to have these two and so many chapel-ites in our lives. Bryan is the Rabbi that does our bible study, and Stacy is always in the background making crazy great food, and could step in and run a wedding as well as we do virtually any day! They're crazy high quality folks, and we are so thankful.

Chapel is quietish today, but tomorrow will be prepped for the annual Fat Tuesday celebration just before Ash Wednesday. It looks like we have 14 souls on the manifest who will join us in our journey to Flavigny-sur-Ozerain, France to visit our 1959 friends in the film Chocolat. This is our annual tradition. April is doing a butterscotch pie, Stacy is doing alfredo, we're providing the champs and other delightful comestibles will be crossing the threshold as well. Always a symphony of flavors and decadence. It all ends at midnight tomorrow night, so snag that pie, and eat that starch while you can, people! Mrs. Boss and I are going on the Wendy Speake 40-day fast (ours will be 46) and we'll see how it goes this year.

Blessings to one an all for a very special week in the Christian calendar. May your prayertime bring you peace and possibilities for the Lenten Season! Later!



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