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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Sometimes the chapel is the site of good times that are not wedding related. We hosted the SSWS!

What a treat it was to be able to provide a perfect space for the SSWS luncheon and officer installation. ....And might I add.... look at the shine on that floor after 10,000 guests! Thank you, Elena, for all that you do to make things immaculate!

Not too much happening the chapel today, so it's charity gathering for us, today. Oh, and we want to thank all those who responded so kindly to our request for google/fb reviews! We've gotten several in the last 2 days, and appreciate your support. 2023 is shaping up to be on the smallish side wedding-wise, but no worries! The lovely white building isn't going anywhere. What did Gloria Gaynor sing, "I will survive". lol!

Got the distinct impression that we're doing some gardening today! I'd better get on the stick. Have a wonderful weekend, and try to find a good cake to eat that's handy. As we all know, it makes it harder to be kidnapped! Blessings!


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