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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Quite possibly the coolest cake topper we've ever seen. This was amazing the day of Welge's 25th

It's always the little attention to detail that sets one party into orbital perfection. This was accomplished for Lisa and Bert's 25th! Lisa found this amazing, perfect theme cake topper in the mercado in San Antonio, and it couldn't have been better. Festive, cultural, fun, and when was the last time you saw a 'cornhusk' doll pair emote so much genuine joy! Whomever made this is a joyful person, and so are we for having the Welge25 nameplate on this address! :)

Preparations are underway for TWO events (actually 3) @ the chapel. I'm attending a planning meeting for the Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy and reading event today, and am excited to start the ball rolling. It's going to be so fun and different, and I truly hope our chapel friends will support it when the time comes! The Friends of the Library are a great group, and we're loving the opportunity to help!

The second big event is coming WAY before this fall, since it's SUNDAY JULY 16! Be there or be non-round! Taylor Bears is in the house to benefit the efforts to provide teddy bears to pediatric patients at Dallas Cook Children's Hospital. Please let Denise know if you are able to come @ 2:30 this Sunday by RSVPing to her at 254.760.1590. We cannot believe it, but we're up to $750+ in donations for this event, and we haven't even started the games yet! Amazing. We hope you can join us!

Well, off to do more chores (very slowly :) so we hope everyone has a great mid-week, and don't forget to be as joyful and happy as our friends in the photo!


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