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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Possibly one of my favorite pictures I've taken in recent memory. Caught it on our afternoon walk, and we loved the feel. Who would want to get married in town with this rural beauty all around?

One of the things we try to never take for granted is our wonderful, private, rural location. We really are 'country people' at heart, and wouldn't/didn't do well living in town. Our spot is just right for us, since it's on 45 beautiful Hill Country acres, but close enough to be at the grocery store in 10 minutes. There's some development happening all around us (time marches on) but our little slice of wonderment is private and just right for so many weddings and celebrations.

Speaking of 'slices', the Slice of Heaven Educational Farm's LCR fundraiser is this Sunday at 4p. We want to thank the 54 folks who've already signed up, and hope you'll consider adding to the mix! We can go to 90 if needed, and the more the merrier. If you can come, be sure to RSVP with Miss Denise at 254 760 1590 so that she knows you're coming and we make sure there's a spot for you! Thanks for supporting this great cause.

Otherwise, not too much going on in chapel land. Gearing up for a wedding in a short while, and booking another wedding today. We're always thankful that just the right couples are brought to our door. Thank you, God!

Have a wonderful day and a tremendous weekend! Happy birthday to a chapel perennial, Sheri, who is celebrated this week! Continued prayers for a special family in need. Later, our gaters!



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