Outstanding Motley Book Club meeting last night. Even though nobody but Lisa is smiling here, it was a laughter filled, pj-clad, yummy food, dice game gift exchange kind of evening! Potato Poppers!
This has got to be the fun-est book club ever, too. We've never really been in another one (although we toyed with it a bit in the '90's) so we don't have a lot to compare it to, but from what we've heard, they're no where near as fun as this one. The chapel is home to so many excellent activities, and the annual anniversary and Christmas meetings of the Motley's are two of them. Don't forget, this group is open to anyone that can read and is willing to be friendly and bring a dish to pass. It's not for everyone, and lots of folks are busy, but when people come...they have a good time! We ended up getting 2 cool books in the wrapped book exchange, and the tamales from Beth and Steve were amazing!
Met some dudes at the Ace Hardware from the DAV. I let them know about the chapel and how it's available for 501c3 events. We shall see what happens. It's always so nice being available for charity groups.
We're actually heading down to the chapel in 5-10 minutes to do an hour's worth of cleanup/recovery from book club in preparation for Bryan and Stacy's event on Tuesday. We're thrilled to be able to provide the place for that activity as well!
Ok, out of space. Hopefully, I'll have time to do a blog post tomorrow. The next couple of weeks are going to be very busy, so I doubt if we'll get to post... Don't miss us too much!