Maybe not the best wedding sign I've ever made, but I have actually made worse! I like the heart!
Paige and Trevor got to spend two honeymoon nights in a 'treehouse' after the wedding, and from the photo they sent me, it looks like it was pretty danged neat! Hope they had a wonderful time.
Prep continues on the chapel inside and outside for S&J's big day, and we're moving right along. I got to steam the beloved chair covers yesterday, and thankfully, Denise and Chloe only left me about 20 to do, which is plenty! They take a bit of work to get just right and can be a wrinkly challenge from time to time.
Did some sprinkler watering yesterday to try to keep things green. The bridal courtyard is a bit crispy all ready this season, but that's pretty normal for this type of warmth, wind and lack of rain. We could certainly use some and the blessing is that I'm seeing on the forecast that we might get some on Friday AND maybe some next week. Let us pray!
Speaking of prayers, we continue to pray for our dear friend, Ronny Gray at the Heart Hospital of Austin. He's been there quite a while, and this whole cardiac ordeal has been no party. He's a great friend of the chapel, so any prayers you'd like to send his way would be very much appreciated. Just got off the phone with him, and thankfully, he sounds great. We've still got a long way to go on this deal, however, so your prayers are even more appreciated than ever.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, enjoy every minute you can and be thankful for the little things. They mean a lot! Blessings on ya!