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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Maybe it's just me, but if I were getting married today, I'd want a fur, parka, scarf, gloves, etc.

I will admit that the older I get, the more I DETEST winter weather. Today is no exception. YUCK. I think it's about 30 out there at last check, and that just doesn't work for me. Bring me summah, or bring me to the beach off South America by private yacht. Your choice!

Hope all of our chapel fans are staying warm, and we're pretty excited that Wedding Homecoming 2022 is only 2 BIG DAYS AWAY, and we're expecting about 60 of our marrieds. Cannot wait to see them, and truly love this tradition. We were hoping to have all the groom's room stuff moved back in by saturday, but, we'll just have to see.

The weather is actually supposed to warm up during the day on Saturday, so that'll give us a bit of a break.

Saw an excellent business photograph of Jarrah and her team on facebook today, and she looks amazing. Such a great girl!

Still need to send out like 3-4 chapel booking sheets, and have zero excuses outside of laziness as usual. It'll all get done and everything will be sorted just right.

Have a wonderful winter day, bundle up, and try not to get married in the freezing cold! :)


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