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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Love finding a photograph that I didn't remember existed! This looks like maybe New Year's Eve '11?

This wonderful chapel has been witness and chalice for so many wonderful times that some of them just flow over the memory bridge! I had forgotten completely how beautiful this setup was for that evening. At first, I thought it was a wedding, but it was clearly labelled NYE, so then I started to recollect this particular party. I think it was the only 'dinner dance' we've ever done for black tie NYE, but it was wonderful, and I'm sure everyone had a great time. It sure makes it look like we know how to entertain, though, doesn't it? Wow! Nice looking setup.

Hope you're starting your week with tremendous good news and promising breakthroughs. We're rolling along and Denise and Chloe worked to do preparations for the upcoming celebration this weekend, and Mrs. C. is in the house making things sparkle. It's kind of a nice change to have just about everything out of the great room for the event, and it gives a chance to do some more major clearing/cleaning. The weekend will be here before we know it, even though we just had one yesterday, but that's just the way things roll around here!

Roses are looking nice and zinnias are coming up beautifully. Even though the landscaping in front was off to a bit of a rough start this year, things are looking up.

Ok, well, I've got stuff to do, so I'll run. Blessings to all for a great week, and we'll see you soon?


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