It's wonderful when a package ends up being wrapped beautifully with a perfect bow! That was the feel on Sunday @ the Slice of Heaven Fundraiser. Teresa told Annabelle and John about our chapel!

Up until this weekend, this couple is still our most recent bride and groom! We were so thrilled to have them here for the SoH games night event, but it was no surprise, since Annabelle is a veteran of the activities on the farm, an it's how she heard about the chapel! We also fell in love with John, and even though he was on call for fir-fightin' work, he still came and supported the event. We really adore this couple, and are still basking in the glow of a great wedding on their big day.
About 1/2 way set up for this weekend's big event and the colors look great in the main room. We love it when a plan comes together, and this juniper/hunter tone with the antique woods really looks great. It doesn't hurt that the bride and groom are a delight as well! We're so looking forward to Saturday!
We've got a great meeting set up with K&D to go over their plan for their wonderful renewal and celebration. It's so much fun when The Lord sends us just the right people to have their wedding in our space. It's perfection.
Well, nothing else new and exciting on the Chapel front. Hope everyone is having a GREAT week and keeping a smile on their face! Blessings to one and all, and talk to you soon!