Is this not beautiful?!? Just goes to show you how classy we can be when we want to! :) Lovely!

There's just something ding-danged elegant going on here with the mix of ivory and black with the gold chargers and the light. Anticipation of a great meal at a great event, and you can feel the excitement in the air. Just add champagne and you've got a party that'll be one for the books. THIS is one of the things we love about our chapel the most. We can do everything from casual to elegant, from 6 guests to 175, and from bright to dark! It works so well for just the right couples, and we're so thankful that it does! Already excited about our upcoming wedding and cannot wait to meet with our bride on Thursday to go over final flight plans for this adventure. She's a doll, and she's marrying a wonderful guy as well. It's neat when 2 sisters end up getting married at the same place, and it's a HUGE compliment to us, as well, since we must have done something right for another sister from the same family to want to have her special day here, too! Thank you D&M!
Rolling right along with clearing up Easter crafting debris to get ready for next week. Progress is being made on so many fronts that it's sometimes hard to keep up. Denise went through the chapel kitchen like a F3 tornado and really took stock, organized, and streamlined the place. (I wonder what she did with all the junk in the way?)... Anyway, it looks wonderul and makes the execution of big days like the one coming up even easier!
Have a magical mid-week, say something nice to someone, and send someone in need to the chapel! What better place to tie the knot! Talk at you soon!