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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Hard to imagine that another Lenten Season is almost upon us. Getting the brunch champagne on now!

It's always such a chapel treat to celebrate Fat Tuesday with great friends. Rumor has it, there may be 13 in attendance for this year's festivities. All 4 of these party poodles from the past will be here and even more to boot! Chocolates, wine, champagne, fried evil things, cake, doughnuts.....the sky is the limit, since most of us swear off all that deliciousness for 46 days following the party. There's something to be said for the Lenten tradition. Reflection, self-sacrifice, improvement, focus, and prayer. We love it. I also love chardonnay, but I love Jesus more! There. I said it. :) Our tradition each year involves watching the outstanding film, "Chocolat" with Johnny Depp and (more importantly) Juliette Benoche. Dench kills in the film, and Alfred Molina is amazing. The whole thing is a beatiful reflection of a small village in France in 1959. Lena Olin...she's ok, and has her moments as well. Oh, and don't forget the classic Leslie Caron as the Widow Odette. Truly tremendous. If you're into this kind of thing, give us a shout, grab something evil to eat or drink and we'll have you join in the fun!

Otherwise, things are quiet at the chapel. Looking forward to another excellent bible study today on "The Chosen" and enjoying the fellowship. We're excited about having McKenzie and Luke come to visit next week to possibly plan their 20th anniversary renewal party, and you just never know who else might pop in! That's the fun of having the coolest, hippest chapel on the planet. It's like the "Chapel A Go Go", where just about anything can happen!

Have a blessed and reflective Sunday, find someone who needs to be married and tell them about us, and pray. It's pretty much that simple. Ciao, y'all!


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