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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Food, fun and frivolity will all be featured at the chapel this weekend! Oh, and a ceremony! :)

We've been looking forward to this weekend's wedding for quite some time. When the right bride and groom find the right place so that we can have the right celebration, it's a nice conglomeration of right-ness! We've got 1.5 million things to do before Nicole and Cowboy G walk down the aisle, but it'll all get done in time, and everything will be wonderful as always. Staff's excited, we're excited, trees are even giggling. It's all good! The weather program is supposed to be near perfect for the ceremony and celebration, and then Sunday is supposed to provide the ultimate wedding gift for N&G, which is 1.5" of rain! Let us pray! The colors for the wedding are fresh and very unique to this couple. Rich and warm are the descriptors for the settings at the tables, and with this bride and groom, we know the guest list will include characters of fact AND fiction! The best kind of wedding. We're just so very thankful that our beautiful Greek princess talked her cowboy into the Chapel!

Anyway, I've got that 1.5 million things to get done, so I'll wrap this up today. Sorry for the lack of posts on the chapel website lately. Real life getting in the way and not just the right images for sharing. Tomorrow is a tide-turner, with two different sets of brides and grooms here, and the beginning of photos, fun and convo. Hopefully, someone special will invite you to a wedding this weekend! But if not, you can always just put on a little show and pretend your having one wherever you are! Blessing to one and all for imagination, happiness, togetherness and love. Talk to you soon!


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