Congratulations to our "Furthest Travelled" couple at wedding homecoming! Jacob and Christina all the way from Kansas! Wooohooo!

Ok, this Chloe Storm shot was a bit blurry, but it's the only one I've seen she's done that's like that! Here's our Kansas Delegation getting their 'furthest travelled' award for being at Wedding Homecoming. It's always so fun to see Christina & Jacob, and love the fact that we stay in touch, despite the distance. They're actually closer than they were when they were in Rochester, NY, but still not back in their home State, like we'd like it! No matter. They're enjoying life and getting to experience a lot of the fun it means to be married to the right person! Such a cutie-patootie couple no matter where they are living and we were so glad we got to see them!
Kind of chilly-ish or warm-ish out there in the chapel courtyard today, depending on what time you were there. It's warmed up over 20 degrees since this morning, so that's pretty good. Spring is coming and you can feel it!
Major trimming work done yesterday by Clemente on the lantana, crepe myrtle and rose selections at the chapel. It really makes a difference for the spring growth and makes it look tidy currently. He hauled 2 full truck loads of branches and clippings away, so you know it was needed! Thanks, Clemente, for everything you do!
Plenty of stuff on our to-do list today, so we'll close. Blessings to one and all for a great rest of the week!