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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Clicked on this photo by accident, and then decided it was so pretty I would leave it at the top!

We went image shopping this morning for something chapel-ish for the blog, and I accidentally uploaded this shot. It stands as the official photo of the day! Taken through the kitchen window, it shows the pretty crepe myrtles in bloom a few years ago. Kind of a bright and warm-weather view for a rather overcast, cooler day today.

Hoping everyone tuning in is peachy-keen, and we're thankful that we are. The cedars around the chapel have given Ol' Cap the fits in the allergy department this week, but things seem to be getting better. Kind of drifting around in a allergy drug induced fog....Jimi Hendrix-style! :) Things always could be worse! I have plenty of drugs/therapies, since one of our wonderful brides, Jolene, went to the store and got me a whole bag of allergen-fighting stuff! Yay!

Setup is all done for tonight's charity event, and it was such a thrill to get to spend most of the afternoon with MJ and Don and share memories and catch up. Looking forward to their supper here tonight, and so very appreciative of Emma Grace being able to be here to help us make it happen. After this burgundy and silver wonderland is over, our next charity Christmas dinner is next week, for the St. S.W.S group. Looking forward to that, and then we should probably be pretty wrapped up at the chapel for 2021. I never say for sure, however, since we've had some Ft. Hood kind of very short-throw weddings before! We're always ready at "WedCon2". lol. Anyway...........we hope everyone seeing this sunshiny picture and reading the blog has a wonderful day, and a great rest of the week! Blessings to one and all! Don't forget bible study will be back in the chapel on Sunday @ 5p if you're interested!


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