Back from her tremendous front end rebuild (couldn't we ALL use a bit of that? lol) she's home!
We are so blessed to have the folks at Cen-Tex Automotive pampering our very special wedding/bridal photo op-cars at the chapel. As a matter of fact, Shanne, the "Convertible Whisperer" is probably teasing some nasty rusty bolt off the '71 Eldorado right now. The cool things about working with the best are always a blessing. It's great to have Miss Alice Fleetwood back in the house. A/C is even working, she floats down the road and still has an eye for a gas pump. (I'm thinking 9-11 mpg, but who's looking..) We got her all washed up, freshened and she got to go places! Bible Study screening, into town for luncheon, just all about. Thanks again, C+J and Shane for all you do to keep us running. We hear wedding bells so let's to this right, shall we? lol!
Otherwise, not too much shakin' at the Chapel of love. This has been a light late spring, but God brings us our very special hand-picked couples that are just right for us. It's always been quality over quantity around here, for sure. Clemente made things look perfect today with edging and mowing, and the garden is coming up nicely. Looking forward to 2-3 charity events coming up, and that's always fun to support.
Well, it looks like it's getting busy at the cottage presently, so I'll need to close. Hope all our wonderful blog followers are doing great! God bless you, every one!