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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

As we head into today's wedding, I must ask did THIS photo happen at Sarah's wedding?

I gotta run and unlock the gate in a minute for today's wedding festivities to begin, but this sneak peek of the ceremony at Otto and Sarah's wedding made me laugh out loud! What the hell is happening here? I don't think it's when she hollered "I SARAH" at the beginning of her vows, so I'm super curious. The look is priceless...and if you know me at all, I probably just said one of my catch phrases I love so much... "No refunds". LOL! Such a riot of a shot and I can't even imagine looking that crazy, but I did! All is wonderful in Chapelland, and we're gearing up for another big day........ Hopefully, will have time to do more tomorrow!


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