Any guesses as to where our wedding chapel might be located? Which State? lol. Love this picture. Sometimes men are all hat no cattle, but the two on the right and left should not be messed with!

Chloe captured such a great collection of candids at this year's Wedding Homecoming. Love this shot of two excellent public servants.....wait a minute, that's what I did, too! It's pretty rare to get Fire/EMS/Police together in a photo where someone's not shooting at someone else (lol) but this picture does it! God bless all of our first responders, and we're so thankful that we can keep our pricing in the right realm so that these local heroes who make all the difference can have a special wedding day, too! Well done, gents.
Bible Study at the chapel today, and I think we have 8 confirmed passengers at this point....Sounds great, and we're loving the Max Lucado study guide. If you're interested, give a shout! Oh, and we may have a 4p bridal showing of the chapel, too, so we won't be bored after the musical benefit today! Whew! Mrs. Boss is at church this morning, so she's even got more on her plate! PTL!
We think the winter weather may be over, so things might just be greening up at the chapel! I saw some new growth on the rose bushes, so that's always a good sign. We never got around to trimming the lantana from last season, so we'll see how that works out....
Ok, need to run! Blessings to everyone tuning into the chapel blog, and prayers for your best life! Come see us when you have time!