Another tremendous fundraiser in the works? Stay tuned! The chapel hosts a Jane Austen springtime!
Well, the event for the Friends of the Salado Public Library featuring readings by E. A. Poe was a smash success! About 90 folks (90!!!!) attended the fun, and we started out with about 8. Folks came and were really just there to support the Friends, but ended up having a great time!
So.....during our 'after action' report, we've put the next reading, sipping and nibbling event on the calendar for the group. April 21, 2024 will be the event that features another great author! Jane Austen! How ding-danged exciting is that? There will be teacups, antique dishes and civility...along with some specially crafted beverages that will still probably be served in a cup! :) One must function with propriety, mustn't one? Cannot wait! After the first of the year, tickets will be available online and @ the SPL. We just wanted to get everyone in 'the know' on this, so you can mark your calendars. We had to turn so many away for the Poe event, that we want to be sure you know about this!
Otherwise, in chapel-land, I have a great photo to post for Svetlana & Ryan's wedding, but just haven't had the chance. It was wonderful and very special and different. The kind of event that creates energy. Congrats to those two!
Well, it's been so long since I've posted on the chapel blog... Will try to do better! Stay in touch, Praise God for the rain, and bask in the cooler weather! Blessings to one and all and hopefully, we'll talk soon!