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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Always a thrill when couples honor us with a place at the table in their own homes again and again!

How many bezilliion times have we said that this chapel is like no other? This is just ONE of the ways that we truly believe it is true. Chad and Hettie have been married for quite a while now (she saved him from loneliness, and he saved her from!) but this is at least the third time we've been graciously invited to their home for supper, conversation, fellowship and sharing. We cannot imagine it being any different for us, but then, we've approached this thing quite differently from the start! :) Many thanks to Hettie & Chad for making another memory with a great meal and visit last night!

So how are you today? The chapel is just fine, wonderful and filled with Christmas magic as we move into event #2 in our Christmas Party tour! The St. Stephens K of C will be in the house tomorrow night and then we'll be preparing for the same church to have their Women's Society Christmas party very soon. We love this festive time of the year, and it's so neat to connect with new friends and old friends along the way!

The linens for the upcoming event are the rich mulberry maroon with silver chargers and platinum napkins. The dishware is the matching fluted set that we've used at several events, and everything looks so nice. It's always fun when people bring their own touches (MJ) to the decor field, since it brings warmth, authenticity and a special sense of uniqueness that couldn't be achieved otherwise. Wow.........that sounds like how people describe the chapel! Well, the decor is lovely and We're already looking forward to the smells, sights and sounds of another great Christmas party tomorrow night.

Many blessings to you, and don't forget, the chapel bible study group is back online here at the chapel this coming Sunday at 5p! Don't miss it. Grab a bag of chips, a cold beer, and enjoy learning more about our blessings. Later, y'all!


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