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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Absolutely love this photo of an angel who's no longer with us. Susan made every visit special with her sparkling smile and kindness. We miss her, and know she's enjoying a heavenly tea party now!

That's the thing about having people in your lives who you care about and enjoy. Sometimes, the Lord takes them home, and we're always sad about it. We just have to remember that they're on the other side, where the parties are larger, the madras cocktails are better, and the celebration truly never ends. We miss you, Susan!

We hope everyone is having a good day today! We're gearing up for our two big charity events, and tickets still are available for both...however we're getting close to maximum sales for October 13. Looking forward to helping two great charities, and enjoying each other on two Sunday's in a row! Shoot me a text @ 254.718.0680 if you need additional information to sign up for these events. After that, we begin setting up for Jessie and Samantha's big day, and can't wait to visit with them next week for our final walk through. God sends us the coolest couples to be married at the chapel, and that's the reason that each and every wedding is so magical and blessed. Thank you, God!

Not much happening at the chapel today, although I bet the turkeyfoot weed is silently growing as I type! That stuff is amazing. It grows up over night!

Blessings to one and all. Hope to see you at both charity events in the coming weeks!


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