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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A little fuzzy, but a fun bride and groom and bride moment at the main house! Looks like the nutrition on the table is amazing, too. Super fun visiting with Otto, Sarah and Jolene. We are blessed!

I'm thinking this is possibly our annual "7 Year Itch" night, but am not sure. Nothing warms our hearts more than having our brides and grooms come back over and over again to visit. We got to be a part of their fun, big day, and they return the favor by coming to visit and feeding us from time to time! LOL! Thank you, brides and grooms, for not only selecting Caliber Oak for your wedding, but also becoming fun and excellent friends!

Not a thing going on at the chapel today. Clemente will be here later this week, and Calvin is coming to help out, too. The lawn didn't even look like it needed to be mowed, but I'll need to do that before Laura's event. Lovin' on that Honda mower for sure. One tip I heard about was using the 'good' gasoline that doesn't have ethanol in it for the mower. I couldn't find a pump like that at Cefco or BB69 this morning, so I'll just keep the can in the convertible and check around during my travels. You know you're getting older when you're excited about a lawn mower upgrade with self-propelled qualities!

Otherwise, just rolling along and hoping all of our brides and grooms are doing well. Saw Curtis this morning (architect to the stars) in the grocery store. Love having so many of our brides and grooms living in town!

Blessings to one and all! Have a great week, and we'll talk at you soon.........


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