A cool sign that's just right for our magical chapel! We'll find a great permanent spot for is, but we appreciate the gift from T&J! It really fits in at the chapel and is just right for our look!

This sign has been sitting on the food buffet in the great room for a few weeks. It was in the bin that Tommie & Jordon gave us from their wedding. Some of the stuff we kept, and some we passed along, but we couldn't pass up this corrugated tin sign non wood! It may end up in a permanent spot in the chapel, but it's been fun having it on display!
Yesterday was an amazing victory day @ the chapel! Our games night fundraiser for Slice of Heaven Educational Farm was a smash success, with the group raising $3,004! Amazing! We think it's the largest amount we've ever raised on a games night, and folks really seemed to be having a great time. Lots of new faces, which is great for the fundraiser, but also good for larger awareness of the farm and the programs they present. Such a great group and the whole thing was a laughable labor of love. It's so fun working with a charity that takes refreshments seriously, since that increases the chance of return visits for the next event for the charity. Teresa knows that we're available as often as quarterly for games night for the farm, or whatever they'd like to do!
Blessings to one and all for a great week! Enjoy the beautiful weather!