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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

This happens in real life, too! We see it all the time! :)

Haven't been bloggin' about for quite a while, but at least we've got good reason. There's been a lot of this smooochin' going on at the chapel for the last 7 weeks, and this is the first week we've had off since September! We're fine-ski with that, however, since making wedding dreams come true is what we have discovered a true joy to us that God has clearly intended. Each wedding this fall was magical, loving and unique....with a special hedge of protection you can just feel when you're here. Thank you, Big Guy, for making these dreams come true for SO many!

======================================================================Survived our second cold snap of the season this last two days, and I'm about done with winter. 4 days total, that seems about right? It really isn't that bad, but I think all of us living south of the Red River are just a little spoiled about our weather. It's the best there is, so there ya go. ==================================Book club is meeting in a wild and wooly way this December. Our next meeting here at the chapel is going to feature each member sporting their P.J.'s, some of us are eating Spam (yeah!), and everyone is bringing a wrapped book for the book exchange. Another redic evening of merriment, discussion and democracy. Doesn't get any better than that. If you're interested in reading our book this month, own a pair of p.j.'s, and want to hang with the funnest group of literates anywhere.....hit us up on FB! We'll hook you up! =====================================Hopefully, successfully winterized the RV plumbing and put the boat motor in the right position to avoid damage. With any luck, the boat may hit the water next week for a short inaugural cruise, and the RV may still make it to the lake for a weekend of movies and reading and campfires before the year is out! Such Fun! =====================================Sound Bath is coming up this Sunday at 6p, and we so hope that we'll have another excellent turnout. If you haven't been, it's amazing and if you have, you know you want to do it again. Cannot wait, and again, FB us if yer comin'. =============.=====================Our God IS an awesome God. We cannot thank him enough for wellness, wealth, happiness, and togetherness. The book of gratitude journal is writing and in prayer. Be sure to tell Him 'thank yah' for lots of what you enjoy today! Blessings dear friends!

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