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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Now, THAT is a wedding shoe!!!!

We don't post a lot of cool wedding shoe pictures...we've had some, and posted them, but usually it's not something we get a very good shot of in action. THIS shoe is very different. It was one of the stars of the show for Carly and Ahern's wedding day, and I was fortunate to be hanging with the bride when they were unveiled in her room. Amazingly cool and blinggggy, but also look pretty darned comfortable. A lot of miles were covered that night, so hopefully these didn't bruise Carly's tootsies too badly. Congrats, again, to Carly & Ahern!

=================================================================Well, clouds are rolling in as I'm typing this entry, so we're pretty excited to be getting some rain coming our way. The other great part is that the rain is supposed to be all gone for our next wedding! Blessed, for sure! We're gearing up for our next wedding adventure, and looking forward to making more dreams come true. =============================================Miss EmmyLou the 1951 Chevrolet got to come home from Uncle Smitty's Spa today, and she's running great. Just in time for some fall driving, and showing off her mermaid green colourway! She's possibly going to be in the Salado Christmas parade this year, depending on weather, but might have to share that spotlight with Mrs. Marian Arnaz, the 1971 Eldorado convertible. Only time will tell! =========================================================Taylor and Jeff's wedding was dreamboat magic last week, and we were so delighted to have them spend their biggest day together at our place! Already looking forward to their first return visit! ============================================Apparently, over the next 10 days, sweaters will be required as projected temps drop down to 40 degrees for two nights at this point! Stay warm, Chapel-lovers! ==================================================Can we really ever pray too much? I'm thinking no....if it's for ourselves, a friend, a loved one, a situation or 338000 other pray unceasingly truly is one of life's greatest gifts. Spend a few moments with Him now, and give it a shot! Blessings to all of our readers and all the ships at sea!

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