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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Mermaids, Matrimonials, and Memories!

It's been a fun week at the chapel of love with a few surprises thrown in! As posted elsewhere, our beloved Eldorado convertible was able to be part of not one but TWO events this week, and is still primed for more fun before any rain chances (sigh) threaten her good times. Stay tuned for more 4mpg fun in our future!

Discovery of yet another AMAZING potato recipe at the Sirena Ambassador Brunch yesterday has been life changing (oh, potatoe, we adore thee). THAT recipe may just get included in the YOGA event Tiff is having at the chapel on Sunday, that we hope you'll come to! ........not only was the potatoe discovery tremendous, the fun ability to dress with silly scales, colors and abandon for the brunch and go in the mermaidish convertible was great! Wonderful end of the week all around.==================================The very special, chapel based book club got to visit Barrow Brewing on a field trip last night to hear all about the new releases at the SPL for fall. Jeanie and Julie really rocked the house, cover to cover, and even issued AT LEAST 2 new library cards! Rock on!===============Gonna do a little chapel tidying up today, and are supposed to see Marcie to do some archway measurements, and you just never know who else might show up and need a chapel for the entry into the next chapter in their life! It happens...all.the.time! ==========================We believe that to walk around in a constant state of appreciation and thankfulness is normal. He has provided so much, and we truly don't deserve it. Thank you, God, for all that you do every second of every day for every one! Have a blessed Friday and a kick-arse weekend, y'all!

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