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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Have a destination wedding, they said. It'll be fun, they said...

I just had to use this funny picture of these 3 who look like they're at the destination wedding from hell! :) Our trip was all smiles and fun, but $60 for 4 drinks seemed a little steep! I wanted to illustrate that guests at weddings at the Chapel at Caliber Oak DO NOT look like this! They're having fun, frivolity and making memories. Thanks to these 3 for being good sports and allowing me to point out the difference in the fun factor of a Caliber Oak Wedding and a destination wedding. Don't do the want happy guests! Trust us on this!

Well, surviving weekends around here is becoming my goal! Lent can't come soon enough so that we can get some R&R! :) Wild and crazy end to the week. Incredible black tie Valentine's day with Sarah at the Grace Jones Retrospective, but hitting the hay at 2:41 a.m. just doesn't work when you're 39 like I am! :) Then friday rolls around with excellent visits from the hunting/shooting team, and even Loren and Robert and the girls! After our dinner party last night, we binge-watched Mrs. Maisel and I didn't get to genuine sleepytime until about 3:01 a.m. CLEARLY, this cannot continue! :) Pretty much was a texting, phoning vegetable today while Mrs. Boss got ready for tomorrow night's charity performance by Jason Francis! We're so excited, and if you haven't told Denise you're coming......please hit her up at 254.760.1590 and save yourself a seat! Monday rolls around early with the St. Louis School Staff Retreat (an annual event we love) and then we start getting ready for Sharon and Rick's great adventure as they become husband and wife! Followed by yet another charity event for Wags Hope and Healing next Sunday! Whew! Never a dull moment! Love it! ...Still need to take the face plate off the new chapel dishwasher and get it painted....just hasn't happened yet ! All will be well, and we have to remember that God's in charge!

He really IS in charge, you know. Even when we don't make the best choices, aren't careful enough with our words, or neglect to be the best we can be.........He's there. Loving us, cradling us and nurturing us. Isn't that wonderful!?!?!?! Blessings to all for a tremendous weekend!

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