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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

It doesn't take a Police Detective to figure out something is in progress, here....

Ok, it's not like it's a crime scene or anything.....but. EmmyLou's first wedding photo shoot was very special! The professional photographer is taking a great shot of this lovely couple through the back window, but this side shot is kind of side-curtain fun in the making! Congratulations to Sherry and her new hubster, and we're so thrilled that EmmyLou got to be in her very first photo shoot. Photography says they'll have some nice watermarked shots for us to share later! She was a star! AND made it there and back without breaking down or bursting into flames! Well done, sweetheart!

Today is the monday that follows a full weekend of fun and chillier temps. It's warmer out there, and the boss is working away, but I'm not the most productive. Was thrilled to get lots done on my phone this morning before I even got up! Love that horizontal productivity! Many thanks to A&R for trusting me to be their officiant, and what a fun and rowdy time we had with Christina and Jacob this weekend! Woohohoo! Never a dull moment down here. Skeet shoot was too damp and icky yesterday, so we just ate, drank and gambled, but at least John took the girls out and blasted some bullets down range so that we wouldn't have a totally lead-free weekend! :) We enjoyed out lunch together of 4-cheese ravioli, and the chance to visit together this morning. Completely excited about Valentine's Day black tie and polishing Miss Alice Fleetwood up for the romance evening! Getting things set up for Jason Francis' performance this Sunday! (be here or be square!) and overall, as all the time, we're blessed, content and happeeeee.

Speaking of happy, we had a great conversation with a friend last night about how much more fun life is when we LET GO (as my friend Elsa has told me) and let our God take charge. So much is available, so much is offered, and so much is given....if we will make the active choice to just get out of the WAY! Give it a shot if you're not doing it......see what you think! Great week to all y'all!

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