Treasures to add to the coolest collection around!
It's always a treat to find just the right additions to the vintage dinner plate collection at the chapel. So fun to think of how many thousands of folks have enjoyed seeing these vintage treasures on the table...sometimes empty and sometimes filled with incredible delights from caterers from all over. These two beauties are the newest cousins to those already on the shelves, and will most likely get added to the one.of.a.kind look that Laura is creating for her wedding that's coming very soon. There's something special about an item that's been cherished, slightly worn, a lovely level of patina on the surface that says....."I've been to Thanksgiving Dinner, 1965"...or "What a luncheon it was on the lawn that spring day of 1951".... All of these unique pieces add up to one very special day in a couple's life. We're so thankful to have all of them, and actually enjoy them ourselves from time to time....just to keep that patina going!
Another blessed day at the most special chapel we can imagine. Started with a badly needed haircut, some shopping and then a special visit from Anna McNair to pick up the sweater that was left behind on Easter Sunday. Great to catch up with her, and she reminded me that it's Fred and Evelyn's wedding anniversary today. Such a couple, such a life, and we miss him all the time!... Got some more sunflower seeds planted this afternoon, and counted out and prepared the champagne flutes for Laura's grand day. Love setting up for a wedding. The folks who will smile and toast this excellent couple... it's a tremendous gift for us to see so many people happy. We don't even mind the aftermath of such fun, as we start to put things right, and remember the excitement through a bit of paper, fork over here, and glass we almost got washed that night! He's placed us in exactly the right place in the exact right time. We are doing His work with so many wonderful folks!
Patina was mentioned earlier. I think that happens with people and relationships, too. When it's right, being with certain folks is like slipping on a great pair of worn flip-flops, or your favorite bathrobe or a great pair of bedroom slippers. No fuss. Nothing can upset the moment....the special people in your lives know that we're all here for such a short time that we should just enjoy it. We hope you are enjoying your day...if not, you may be blessed to have another one tomorrow and start all over? Let us pray! Blessings to all!