That's a view, ladies & gentlemen! Praise God!

This picture is amazing to me, and it really captures the spirit and the feel of our beloved chapel. The colors, the coziness, and's all here, and all so very beautiful. Especially at this time of year. Snapped this one just before we headed to Dallas for Mel's shower, and it really looks great! Thank you, God, for all the beautiful flowers that are in bloom. Truly wonderful!
Back in the blogging saddle after a VERY sickly last 24 hours! Had a bout of stomach bug, and I was not a pretty camper. Miss Denise will tell you that I'm the worst patient in the world, but that's probably an understatement. Thankfully, I'm back to about 90.8% now, and feeling much, much, better. Saw Jesus in a dream during the illness last night and he was wearing a really nice dark blue bathrobe with an orange script monogram...(I think the bathrobe was one of those high-dollar Land's End deals) Don't know what that was about, but we did an overnight cruise on the Sea of Galilee, and it was all great! He's now sporting a red head of hair and a beard, btw. Very animated, positive and loving. If you have to be sick, at least you get to see the Big Guy?!!? I guess! ?!!??
Otherwiiiiise......... As I slowly crawled out of the land of the sickly today, I actually got Jodi & Jordan's deposit check in the mail, and FINALLY finished spraying all of the linens from the last wedding. Laziness. Yikes! Jordan is working on our new 'brochure card' layout and design, and we're looking forward to a special 'dinner and a movie' tomorrow night with someone very special. Lunch thursday, perhaps, with one of the chapel's favorites, AND the taxes are finally being mailed in tomorrow! Woohooo! Things are looking up, people!
Needless to say, after seeing the Big Guy in my distress last night...I was reminded of his never-ending presence. The messages communicated to me were just what I needed to hear, and I feel closer to him than ever. Not the most comfortable prayer time I've ever had, but it's certainly the biggest blessing in the world knowing He's ALWAYS right there next to you, even when the waters are rough! Here's to you having a tremendous day, and getting to do a little travelling with the Master soon!