And a phenomenal Easter time was had by all!

Another Easter has come and gone at the chapel, and as usual, it was amazing! About 45 of us together and the fun activities were all completed as hoped. Kite flying (although the predicted wind actually was kinda of non-existent!), group photo with the classic cars, blossoming the cross, an excellent meal and horseshoes! It was truly wonderful and we couldn't have asked for a better day. The apple green and blueberry color scheme looked pretty darned good, and we loved the table setups. We are still eating leftovers, and probably will be for a while, but what a lovely problem to have!
Since Easter, the fun has continued at the chapel. Mary was here for her annual visit, so our Monday Easter tradition of lunch at Green's Sausage House was continued! It was great as always, and we did a little shopping at the end, but the movies we wanted to go to were all later in the day. Came home to collapse, and then Rachel & Jason came out to finalize their vows. We even got a text from Heather and Robert that they're ready to book their wedding, so we're genuinely excited to have that happen very soon. The WEDS wedding professionals group came for a nice supper on Tuesday night, and Bev rocked the house with some truly exceptional southern fried chicken and amazing macaroni and cheese! Had some more of THAT for lunch, today, too! I guess the 1200 calories for Lent is a distant memory now? We're fired up because before we get to see R&H for their booking visit....we get to take our first daily walk since Monday, and we need it! Messing around with cleanup, setup, laundry, etc. today. Everything is almost exactly in place for Jodi & Jordan's great wedding adventure this weekend, and we're excited. The room looks amazing, we've talked to catering, and I think I have only one more tablecloth to steam! Woohoo! Special thanks to Sheri Joseph for helping us out yesterday with getting the room set up just right. I've even got to mow the bridal courtyard this week!'ll all get done somehow!
Taking each day as it comes and not being stressed out. We think He loves it when we get excited about the gifts he's giving us, and we are. Thought and prayed about how busy last week was and how crazy this one is going to end up....and then was reminded that He really is in charge and all will go so very, very well. Special blessings upon you today as you move forward with 'His to-do' list!