A floral beauty saying Holy Week is HERE!
The holiest of seasons is upon us, and in a few short days, we'll be celebrating Christ's resurrection! It's just hard to believe, as Lent has whizzed by so quickly. Isn't this 'broom' plant just amazing....so colorful, happy and content in its new home on the 'curb' at the chapel. Just right, and so very nice as a reminder of new growth, color and joy!

We're gearing up for a wonderful wedding this weekend, followed by Easter Sunday and all it's fun and frivolity. Unfortunately, it looks like the weather is going to require that we be at the chapel rather than the house again this year for Easter dinner, (wind and 66 degrees!) but no matter! All will be wonderful. We're putting the final touches on setup for Abby & Dustin's big day tomorrow and then looking forward to their celebration! Such a blessed time of the year, and a genuine outpouring of spirit and fellowship.
He answers all prayers. Maybe not in the way we'd like sometimes, but through continued communcation, acts, and thoughts, prayer makes a difference. Special prayers going out to Branch Skeeter's grandpaw today, as he's facing a very difficult illness. Branch's attitude was excellent today, reminding me that God is the ultimate healer...and that nothing is over until it's over! Blessings to each and every one of you in preparation for the Holy day headed our way! Make it a great one!