Breathtaking. Wow. Just Wow.

This photograph went out on the facepage carousel at 6:30 this morning. It's just wonderful. Knowing these two as we do, this shot truly captures the essence of their big day, and their love for each other. This picture is also a special reminder to us that we're doing the right thing everytime we're honored to be the spot where a wedding happens for a very special couple. God bless you, Amy & Rory! We think the world of you, and are so thankful that your amazing, vintage ceremony and reception were here at our beloved chapel!
Continued work towards E&B's wedding today...lots of progress yesterday. Today, we get a special lunchtime visitor, and also get to meet Laura's photographer this morning. Rain is in the forecast, but we're not complaining. It didn't rain much yesterday, so hopefully we'll get a bit more today. Mrs and I had a lovely breakfast of coffee, tea, bagle and raspberry preserves with some fresh raspberries thrown in for good measure. We're settling up with the insulation folks today, and the job is finished. We truly hope it makes the house more energy efficient, and cannot see that it it wouldn't! Already is quieter in the main rooms when the rain is hitting the tin roof! Last evening's meeting for the 2017 Kite Festival for St. Joseph's went very well, and we look forward to being a part of the fun when a chairperson for the event is named. Also, our friend, Sonny Jaramillo is hosting a kite festival at Peaceable Kingdom Retreat on March 19th from 1p to 4p, so please try to be there for's free, and everything attached to this wonderful charity is a delight for all!
Asking and receiving. It always happens...just maybe not in the timing we'd like. Last night/this morning was an exception for me! I prayed on my way home in the car last night for discernment on an issue. Just knowing I'd have an answer soon, I drifted quickly into sleep last night. This morning, just before I woke, the answer came to me VERY clearly in a dream sequence! Thank you, God, for this wonderful form of communication! It's not always how it works, but we don't doubt it! Hopefully your dreams will come true today! Blessings for a wonderful opportunity to do His will and to serve others...