Wedding beauty in bloom and on display..

Another beautiful shot of Stephanie's amazing florals, and our most photogenic model, Christa. We've been blessed with such beautiful weather all winter, and the day of this shoot was no exception. How wonderful that it all turned out as beautifully as it did.
Chapel activity meeter set at: Low for today. Tomorrow, things change, however, as after the chapel is cleaned, we start setup for our next wonderful wedding for two very special people. We're looking forward to it, and also so enjoy the creation of the event! Many thanks to Bev Meade at St. Joseph's Chapel, since she is going to be sending some clients our way, and we truly appreciate it! The more the merrier! Miss Alice Fleetwood made her Sunday church debut this morning in shiny form with her whitewalls nicely scrubbed. We were told at the grocery store that Miss Denise looked like a character out of Dickens with her hat and beautiful outfit, and the Cap looked like a character from a Louis L'Amour novel! Not bad for a Sunday, eh? We're so looking forward to the latest project that the Holy Spirit has lead us too.... The 2017 Kite Festival right here in our own special, little village... So far, it's Cindy and Cap for starts, but we know of another person interested in helping and Miss Denise even said she'd give us a hand from time to time. Stay tuned for more developments on that front!
The peace and quiet amongst the assembled congregation and conversations is a wonderful part of church at St. Joseph's. Socializing in segments. Such a beautiful place, nice people, good music, and a good message. We're blessed to have been a part of this chapel just about since it's inception, and when I close my eyes there, I can feel the Presence very, very clearly. Thank you, God, for this blessed space! We hope everyone's Sunday is rolling along majestically. Blessings to all!