Are these two just plain pretty, or what!?!?

These two really light up the lens when they're being photographed...CL is absolutely right. It's a delight to share their beautiful smiles on the blog, with such a great memory of a very fun photo shoot!
Got to see the delightful Jodi the other afternoon, which was fun, and our 'professional groomsman/wedding guest', is coming out to work with his handgun very soon. I'm excited, since I get to work the polls for the very first time for part of tuesday's election. Totally fired up to take Miss Alice Fleetwood into town this morning to get a few things...since she's idling perfectly, and lookin' great! Still need to get the photosensitive adapter on the floodlights for the new chapel terrace, but everyone has been commenting on how excellent it looks, AND it didn't get washed away in 3.5" of rain, so that's always a good sign!
The comfort and warmth of nighttime prayer can't be compared to the daytime prayers, from my perspective. Found some great stuff on "The Upper Room" in the Lenten journey department and it was excellent. Blessings to everyone today, and although the week's winding down....the weekend is just opening up like a flower. Take a look, move around and help someone today!