The perfect gift for the chapel entry buffet!

Where does she find this stuff!?! This is the new lamp on the entry buffet in the chapel. It was the perfect Christmas gift from Cindy and Dick Cashion this year, and we've never seen anything quite like it. We finally got the shade just right for the space and the very first event the lamp was here for was the Disney Songbook! Is that perfect, or what... Kind of a Mrs. Potts meets wedding chapel kind of thing... "we've got a lot to do, is that one lump or our guest, be our guest, be our guesssssst!" Thanks to the Cashions for always providing just the right things to brighten our lives. =-Literally, in this case!
Chapel all cleaned up, although there are a few handwash items still needing to be done. A small pile of bills is calling my name today, and we're looking forward to a wonderful bride visit on Saturday. The new floodlight is working on the step at the outdoor terrace, and we've even got the 'autotimer' to make it even better. Still working on lighting issues, and someday will get the new entry gate/opener/brass plaque ordered....but baby steps, baby steps! heheheh. We were blessed that so far in the rain the new decomposed granite terrace didn't wash away! Woohoo! So enjoyed Susan Bolton's exellent bread last night at supper. Many thanks to her, again! Looking forward to a fun trip to town today, and we'll see if the MGB top stays down or goes up....not as warm today as it has been! AND Miss Bridget Jones the MGB got two new tires yesterday and rides even better! Miss Denise and I were headed home from town on Saturday and about 1/4 mile from the driveway, we heard the treads go flying off the back tire! Thankfully, we were able to keep rolling, since the little green fun machine doesn't have a jack or a lug wrench (blush)....we'll be fixing that little issue very soon!
Loved Joel Osteen's book chapter last night. The concept of waking up in the morning and asking Him to show us who we are to help today, and what our 'assignment' is.... Not that far from what happens some mornings, but a great reminder that we've work to do for Him. God bless us, every one, and we hope your day is incredible!