Such a beautiful, ethereal bridal image...

Our on-site bridal shoot last week with Stephanie & Company was absolutely amazing. The models, the flowers, the props, positions, photography....everything. We were thrilled to be the location for this glossy shoot, and feel that it turned out so beautifully. In addition, everyone working on making the photos magical and distinct were so very delightful - personally. Our young and beautiful bride model in this photo, Christa, was not only a near-goddess in every photograph, but ALSO has actually been a real, live guest of the chapel in the past. She was part of the 53 member UMHB choir who sang outside for Jamie & Cameron's wedding. Such a fun connection, and she also knows our very own Molly & Matthew and Whitney & Jonathan....and probably many others. Many thanks to Chrisi of Bello Photography for her excellent watermark shots, and this one is actually now in the carousel on the facepage of the website for all to see!
Just came up from the chapel where we enjoyed a wonderful supper and each other's company. Took our enjoyable 3-mile daily walk later today after I returned from running errands in Belton. Carmon is looking at having her wedding here, as well as it looks like we'll be busy, busy folks! Always a thrill when a delightful couple connects with our blessed space. As so many already know...the rest is magic and a result of divine Grace we are so thankful to have. Everything is set up for Sunday's Ronald McDonald House charity concert featuring Jason Francis and the Disney Songbook. Never to late to call Miss Denise and let her know you're coming. A very worthwhile $25 donation is requested....
The sun shines, abundance surrounds and blessings bloom. Every day. Today was another reminder of how beautifully He puts all the pieces of the puzzle effortlessly....if we let Him. Have a FANTASTICO FRIDAY and don't forget to thank Him when you wake up and all through the day! Enjoy!