We love it when they come back home!

That Jennifer is a sneaky little photographer...I never realized this shot was taken, and it reminds me so much of last year's shot when Donnica and Will arrived. This is the old cap gettin' huggy with David while Erin watches on...Such a treat to get to see them, and we're so proud of them both. This photograph truly represents Wedding Homecoming Dinner to me. Thanks, again, to all our wonderful brides and grooms who were able to make it!
Well, the tractor is already here, and I believe work has started on the final phase of the new chapel terrace. Should hopefully have some photos by the end of the day. TracyLynn is also headed out today to pick up some cake supports and toppers, so we're looking forward to seeing her. Lent is here, and not a moment too soon! We both decided that we were so ready for the discipline, cleansing and spiritual growth of Lent this year. What a blessing!
Loving the journey you're on is truly the key to happiness. He's got a plan, and if we get out of the way, or better yet....ask Him to lead us...the results are always tremendous. A blessed Ash Wednesday to everyone!