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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Wedding Homecoming Kissing Picture!

Leave it to a talented photographer to come up with a fabulous idea! While we were outdoors for the big group picture, Jennifer had each of the couples do some kissy-kissy for the camera. The result is tremendous! Love the creativity and the private moment each of our couples is spending in a crowd of other alum. Neat-0!

So thrilled that we're having Laura & Carson's wedding at the chapel! A whirlwind visit last night lead to a deposit check, and a meeting today to decide which china, glassware, etc.... Can't wait! They're delightful and grandparents, Debbie and Dick Woods have been friends of ours for years, so we're looking forward to the big day. Will grandfather marry them? Will Captain Rick marry them? Will the two old men do a 'joint' service!?!? Stay tuned...the fun is just beginning. .....Otherwise, trying the fried chicken recipe from the Southerner's Handbook that Dick and Cindy gave us for Christmas. We've got 911 on speeddial, and hope it won't be necessary. I've already decided that maybe getting fresh, wonderful chicken from BB69 might be a wayyyy easier approach to this pre-Lenten delicacy! Having our evil mac 'n cheese for lunch now, since Wednesday, the party is over for 46 days.....literally! Nothing planned for tonight, which is fun, but then again, we didn't have much planned for last night and booked a wonderful wedding. Isn't it neat when you just 'let it go' and let Him make it happen!?!?

Some wonderful prayer moments this morning before getting out of bed. Visualizing myself wrapped in a blessing at the Holy Spirit Spa! It's a cool place! Blessings to everyone today and have a magical weekend!

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