Roses from 2015 in 2016?!? Amazing!

Well, it's supposed to possibly freeze tonight, and it's february. That meant that the final blossoms of our rose bushes met their annual DEADLINE for harvesting. In the years we have lived here, we have NEVER had the treat of cutting final blooms the day the roses are being trimmed for the new season. We have been so tremendously blessed with amazing weather this winter. Thank you, God! We just love these antique, French roses, and feel like they're an important part of the chapel. This vase is fun, too, and has a south of France feel all its own. We think it's one of the very first things we bought when we started the chapel...since we knew the color scheme would fit the then non-existent kitchen!
Excited to have our own Molly headed this way today with a special gift she's created for a special birthday person. Just a reminder, if you need beautiful glassware etched to perfection, Molly's the girl to call. She is one of our special brides and is doing this business on the side. Give us a shout if you'd like to have her contact information. Otherwise, a low profile at the chapel today...looking forward to getting my walk in, and enjoying the last week of 'fun' until Ash Wednesday and Lent begin one week from today! Just finishing taking down the flowers from WHD, and need to start washing the containers! Had an outstanding visit with Abby, Dustin & Mrs. Neese yesterday, and everything is so beautifully on track for their wedding. Can't wait! We're so blessed!
Keeping it in the positive. It's not always easy, but it always pays off. We can pray for folks who are struggling with their situation in life, self perceptions, perceived limitations....but only they can work that out with God. Please pray for someone today who would be so much happier if they could let go and let Him lead the way! Blessings for a great Wednesday!