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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Bling-A-Ding-Ding! Such a sparkle!

Miss Denise rocked her inner Eva Peron and came up with this very sparkly tableau for Wedding Homecoming Dinner! It was just lovely, and it's so neat because the cake stand and vase are from two of our brides, and Mary Frank gave us the neat, framed quote. A blessing diamond rests in the foreground reminding us all that blessings are everywhere and multifaceted! Good job on the decor, Mrs.! We're working on technical details to get more WHD photos out on the website... please stand by...

Cold out this morning, and Mrs. Arnaz (aka '71 Eldo) headed into the shop this morning for a little mid-winter 'lift and tuck' so that she'll be cruzin' smooth for the upcoming wedding season. Such a beautiful car and we're blessed to have her. Still lots of tidying up and laundry to be done after WHD, but who's in a hurry around here?!?! Special visitor is coming today to look at the chapel for a staged photo shoot, and we're looking forward to that. Sorting through the cake toppers to figure out which ones are Tracylynn's and which are ours. Thank God Denise and TLC know for sure. The south patio/terrace is entering it's final stages, with finishing materials being delivered within the week....God willing. Should be a nice addition to the chapel experience and help with drainage when we have those really rainy days.

We believe that one of the biggest things you can ever claim for yourself is contentment! Not yearning for a newer car, bigger house, better shoes.... but simply enjoying the gifts He has given us and being so very thankful for them and the time to enjoy them. Amazingly, the gifts just keep on comin', but of course....when we're thankful...that's how He rolls. Roll on, Big Guy! Blessings to you today for wonderful things beyond your imagination just a short time ago!


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