Backstage, just before the event...

All of the delightful cake toppers are talking, chatting, prepping and primping for their debut at the 4th Annual Caliber Oak Wedding Homecoming Dinner yesterday...the pre-performance excitement is palpable! Simply Sweet somehow made all these couples fit on the cake with Miss Denise's help, and they represented all the wonderful brides and grooms who were actually at the event. Our biggest ever....current estimate is 62 brides and grooms on board for dinner! Our hearts swell with thankfulness that all these wonderful folks trusted us with their biggest of days. Cap, as usual, cried through half the blessing before dinner....but everyone kind of expects that from an Irish tenor cop who drinks chardonnay!:) We couldn't have been more pleased and are so thankful for the help from Brooke, Greg, Sheri, and Monica! Jennifer is sending us great photos from the event, group shots, photobooth, etc. We can't wait! Silvia's food was amazing as always, and it's fun just drifting through the aftermath at the chapel remembering how many of our very special-est couples were here last night. Thank you God, for creating this ministry of love and new beginnings on a former prickly pear patch!
Cleanup is at hand, but the prayer is that Mrs. Arnaz (the '71 Eldorado convertible) will head into the shop today for a much-needed carb makeover...She's starring in so many weddings this spring, it's important for her to look and run her best! Thankfully, deep cleaning is happening at the chapel today, and we'll put things in relatively normal order. What is normal again? Remind me! Beautiful host and hostess gifts are evident in every corner of the chapel and we can't thank our guests enough for the kindness.
Echoed blessings abound today from God. When we put forth our absolute very best in the benefit of others, it comes back in muliple format. Last night's event is a major reminder for us that He is using us in a unique and wonderful way. Thanks, Boss. We're appreciative! Get out there today and make your own ministry happen... One person at a time!