3 Years Ago Tomorrow?!?!? NO WAY!!!!!

Saw on fb that this magical wedding anniversary is tomorrow. No way... Where does the time go? How excellent, and what a special couple. We've been able to see Laura from time to time so we've been able to keep up with her and Dale... Best blessed wishes to you two for many, many more years together!
A little chillier out there than it has been, but all I have to do is think about 103 degrees, and it gets rather nice. Paying bills and tidying up at the chapel today... We're even taking a look at getting some new brochures...such excitement for a weekday...:)
I heard the phrase, 'the family that prays together, stays together', on a borrowed audio CD the other day, and thought....how trite. I wonder how many times I have heard that, but also know that it certainly doesn't hurt and, I think, makes a pretty big difference. Give it a shot...even if it's just before meals... We've been given so much...it's neat to give thanks for it. Have a great start of the week!