Ok, and now for the mushy stuff!

Here's a picture from a very special wedding day. Mary and Landon were married at the chapel, and have been enjoying a life of 'happily ever after' ever since! Contratulations on you two planting your rose, having a great life, and always thinking of others.
Great day at the chapel today. Woke up at the main house this morning to nice, solid rain....never get tired of it! and went down to meet Amanda and Nathan to lock-down their wedding vows. Can you believe they're trusting Cap'n Rick to tie the knot for them!???!?! Wow. Amazing how trusting great people can be. After some tears from ALL of us in the vows meeting (happy ones, folks!) we locked-down the vows and are all set. Working on numbers, planning for weather contingencies and all walking forward to a great wedding this fall!
Tomorrow is the 'official' guest count day for K&A and A&J, so we'll see where the numbers go. Unfortunatley, I think both our weddings this weekend will be indoors (weather forecast looks grim) it won't matter at all, since we'll be freshly scrubbed, pressed, excited and smiling when the moments of truth happen! Completely looking forward to the TWO big events at the chapel this weekend!
In a break from the weather yesterday, I was able to mow the chapel lawns, put down 'chigger killer', and make things look much better. We probably won't be outside much this next weekend, and may have to mow again before then (if the rain stops! :)) but regardless, we're ready!!!
Blessings to everyone reading this today. Count your blessings....friends, abundance, abilities, and every breath you take. Thank you, God!